SEPTEMBER 14th BOND VOTE 7am to 7pm at the Arena
There will be a $500,000 bond vote for the creation of water and sewer infrastructure from MVU High School to the Franklin County Airport. The total project cost is $3,500,000 but the Town has already secured $1,307,107 and will continue to seek more funding to reduce the amount of the bond as much as possible!
Why Invest in this project now?
Construction would coincide with the State planned FC Airport expansion and the private development of a 7-lot commercial park on abutting property, leveraging state and private investments to facilitate the best, highest use of the properties in the Commercial/Industrial Zone. Providing water and sewer will allow for the creation of manufacturing vs. warehousing for:
- as many as 1,200 jobs for our area over 10-20 year buildout.
- higher wages to our area (25% residents drive 60 minutes+ to work for higher wages)
- higher commercial property tax generated to offset municipal and education tax burdens for residents.
- Educational opportunities for our high school students to get internships / alternative education opportunities for valuable training/skills to build careers to keep them in Vermont.
Ballots will be mailed to all active registered voters. You can return your ballot by mail, drop it off at the office during business hours, utilize the secure drop box at the rear of the building, or bring it to the polls at the Arena on September 14th 7am to 7pm. To register to vote or confirm you are registered, contact Town Clerk, Wendi Dusablon at 802-868-5002 or
To get more information on this project-
-attend the PC mtg on 8-17 at 6:00pm to discuss the project with Tim Smith, FCIDC
-attend the Information Hearing on 9-7 @ 6:pm
-go to the Town website[...]_PR
-go to the Town Facebook page
contact Town Administrator, Heidi Britch-Valenta at 802-868-4922 or
Feb 22, 2025, 10:30 to 11:30 AM
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