Cold, drafty windows? Wasting $$ on heat loss? A group of local volunteers is working with non-profit, Maine-based WindowDressers to provide affordable, energy-saving window inserts for residents of Sunderland, Sandgate, Arlington, Manchester, Dorset, Landgrove, Peru, Rupert and Winhall.
Prices range from $30 to $70 based on size. Once you commit to buy your inserts, a measuring team goes to your house to expertly & accurately measure the inside of your window frames. Inserts are then assembled at a barn-raising-style Community Build at Arlington Common, 3938 VT-7A in Arlington, VT from Thursday, Nov.11th through Monday, Nov.15th.
Low income residents may be eligible for free inserts. Lastly, these inserts are now a part of Efficiency Vermont's "DIY" program that provides a $100 rebate!
For more information, call 802-234-3050 or go to & click on "Inserts".