DISCO BEES Dance Rehearsal

Past event
Aug 13, 2021, 3 to 4:30 PM


FRIDAY in Craftsbury at 3pm:
Stayin' Alive Disco Dance rehearsal. Adults and older kids (approx. 8+) of all abilities and body shapes enthusiastically encouraged. Email for details and updates.
Choreography will be modeled after this (but not quite this tricky):

SATURDAY starting at 11:30am: Honeybee Steelband will be performing a set at Craftsbury Old Home Days from 11:30am to 12:15, and then we'll be in the parade as the DISCO BEES. The parade is from 1-2pm.

Needed: Disco Ball/s for decorating our float! Anyone willing to part with theirs for a few days, please let us know!

Email for further details ~ Thank you!

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