At the Bandstand This Wednesday: the Larkspurs!

Past event
Aug 11, 2021, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

Come to the Middlesex Bandstand this Wednesday, August 11, at 6:30 p.m. to hear The Larkspurs, a fabulous trio consisting of Liz Beatty, Django Soulo and D. Davis. The Larkspurs perform originals and creative covers with a blend of folk, rock, blues and country and "represent a pure heart, a sweet disposition, and a desire for laughter." (Big Heavy World) Bring a chair or blanket; food will be available from Mediterranean Mix. For more information, call Elliot at (802) 272-4920.

All donations from this event will go to Mosaic Vermont, Washington's County's sexual violence prevention and response agency. Mosaic envisions a world with resilient communities free of sexual/gender-based violence where all people are supported in healing from harm.

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