Preview of August 9 City Council Meeting

Past event
Aug 9, 2021, 7:30 to 11 PM

Dear Neighbors,

This Monday, the City Council will convene its one meeting for the month of August. As improvements are still being made to allow for hybrid meetings, this meeting will be in person only. You are welcome to watch our meeting via youtube:

Following a work session from the Pride Center that will be held downstairs in City Hall, we will move upstairs to Contois at 7:30pm for the Council meeting. Public forum will take place immediately thereafter at a time certain 7:30 to 9:30. Following any climate emergency reports, a few commission appointments, outdoor entertainment permits including one for Arts Riot, a festival permit for Oktoberfest, and several liquor permits on our Local Control agenda, our Council meeting deliberative agenda includes:

• A communication from the Mayor on the appointment of City Attorney.

• Two first readings on ordinances pertaining to Short-term Rentals (STR). The proposed changes are fairly lengthy; in a nutshell, after two years of work, the changes would define "short term rental", modify "lodging" definitions, and add STR as a "special residential use. Further, the amendments would establish standards for the number and type of STRs permitted in a building. It would define that the host is required to be the owner/occupant of the property except for limited cases for STRs in multi-unit buildings when the host has owned the property for three or more years. It would set limits for the number of bedrooms rented in a partial unit STR, and limit for the number of whole unit STRs permitted in a building based on the number of units in the building. The amendments would also establish minimum life safety standards for STRs, and requirements for annual rental registration.

• The next item is a resolution regarding the authorization to resolve litigation and execute amendments to the Amended and Restated Development Agreement (this was the agreement the Council unanimously approved in February) for easements with BTC Mall Associates and easements with 100 Bank LLC. This is the settlement to end the litigation between these parties and endeavor to move the mall redevelopment project one step closer to construction.

• The next item is a communication from the Retirement Board on their divestment from fossil fuels. This report back to the Council was part of the resolution we passed several months ago.

• The next item is a communication from the Chief Administrative Officer, Katherine Schad and City Assessor, John Vickery on the Citywide Reappraisal.

• Our last item is a resolution regarding the adoption of the Police Commission's recommendation to temporarily raise the police officer authorized headcount from 74 to 82 and hire additional Community Service Liaisons (CSLs).

The link to finding all these agenda items and supporting documents is:

As always, I welcome your questions, concerns, and comments, so please be in touch. Your voice matters and I am grateful for your input.

I hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend.

My best,

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