Calais Board of Abatement Meeting
Monday, August 9, 2021 at 6:30 pm
Calais Town Hall and Via Zoom (see details below)
The Calais Board of Abatement will meet Monday, August 9, 2021 at 6:30 pm at the Calais Town Hall and via Zoom to hear:
- Election of August 2021 to July 2022 BOA Chair
- Approve Minutes of February 1, 2021 BOA Hearing
- Abate small amounts of delinquent taxes owed:
1. Jessica L. Greene: $10.97 abatement of penalty/interest
2. Brian Hayward: $0.25 abatement of penalty/interest
3. Jordan Hepburn: $14.42 abatement of penalty/interest
4. Jordan Hepburn: $12.72 abatement of penalty/interest
- Adjourn
This meeting is open to the public. A Board of Abatement meeting is a quasi-judicial proceeding which means that members of the public must be notified of the meeting, but may only observe. The Board may hear only from the taxpayer, a Lister or someone else from town government, or anyone called by the Board as a witness to provide information.
To Join Via Zoom
NOTE: In order to be admitted to the meeting via your computer, you will need to sign in using your full name so we have a record of who was in attendance for our minutes.
Topic: Board of Abatement
Time: Aug 9, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 818 9973 2318
Passcode: 148457
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Meeting ID: 818 9973 2318
Passcode: 148457
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