Health Guidance
Per the Center for Disease Control & Prevention, VT Department of Health, VT Occupational Safety & Health Administration, and Town of Westford:
● Masks are recommended for fully vaccinated individuals.
● Masks are required for all unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated individuals. Toddlers aged 2 and younger are not required to wear a mask.
● Please stay home if you are feeling unwell.
NOTE: This is an evolving situation due to the delta variant and guidance is subject to change. Please feel free to contact Melissa Manka, Town Planner, at 878.4587 or with questions, concerns, etc.
If a quorum of the board/commission is attending in-person, the meeting will continue notwithstanding a disruption or disconnection in electronic participation.
MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 2021 AT 7:15 PM
Join the Zoom Meeting:
Or dial:
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 853 7085 8540
Passcode: 0809
7:15 Roll Call
7:20 Amendments to Agenda
7:25 CONTINUED: Final Plat Public Hearing for 5 Lot, 4 Unit Planned Unit Development & Subdivision – Owner: Upper 23 LLC (21.85 acres) on Sanctuary Road in the Rural 3, Rural 10 & Water Resource Overlay Zoning Districts. This is a proposal to re-subdivide a deferred development lot (Lot 1B) into 4 single-family dwelling lots and a designated open space lot.
8:25 Citizens to be Heard, Announcements & Other Business
8:35 Minutes of July 26, 2021 Meeting
8:40 Covid-19 Policies & Protocols (discuss if necessary)
8:55 Deliberative Session (if necessary)
9:15 Adjourn
*Any individual who believes that they need a reasonable accommodation may submit a request to the Town Planner. The Town will assess whether the request for reasonable accommodation is necessary to make the Town service, program, or activity available to an individual with a disability; whether there is an alternative accommodation which may provide an equivalent level of access and/or benefit; whether the requested reasonable accommodation would impose an undue financial or administrative burden; or whether the requested reasonable accommodation would require a fundamental alteration in the nature of the Town service, program or activity.*
Mar 6, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
Chess Club [For Kids Ages 6+ - Registration Required]Mar 7, 2025, 3 to 4:30 PM
French Conversation Chez HenryMar 11, 2025, 7 to 8 PM