150th Anniversary of the Danville Railroad Station

Past event
Aug 7, 2021, 1 to 3 PM

Join us in celebrating 150 years of the Danville Railroad Station!

Special Guest: Archie Prevost, a retired engineer with the Canadian Pacific and the St. J & L.C. trains.

Smoothie Bike: Pedal powered smoothies, can you pedal fast enough to make your own?

LINK Vermont: Come learn about how LINK uses bicycles for youth development and community engagement. They will be set up outside the station with their bike repair station and would be happy to answer any questions about repairs and safety, biking in the area, and more!

LocalMotion: They will be showing off their e-bike and will be available to talk all things e-bike.
Come see the inside of the historic train station and learn about the history of our local transportation.

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