Which wonderful, weird, and wild insects are out during the day? Explore the Birds of Vermont Museum grounds with James Grant, wildlife photographer.
Bring magnifying glasses and an insect net if you have one. Do bring your water bottle and dress for outdoors.
Stay after the walk for lemonade in the tree house.
$5 suggested donation • register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/insects-of-the-day-registration-165667153917?aff=fpf
Max: 10 people • waitlist available
Meet in the parking lot of the Museum.
Masks recommended when within 6′ of other people (required indoors)
If it is raining that day, please call the Museum (802 434-2167) to see if we have rescheduled.
(For evening insects, come to our Moth Walk on August 27).
Birds of Vermont Museum
900 Sherman Hollow Road
Huntington, VT 05462
802 / 434-2167
museum@birdsofvermont.org / www.birdsofvermont.org
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