We leave Johnson this Thursday after several years here. We've enjoyed getting to know everyone and meeting so many great people. As we move cross country there are tons and tons of items that we can't bring with us (it's $3.62/cubic foot to move!). We figured before bringing items to Goodwill in Burlington we'd see if anyone in our own community could use them. There is kitchen ware (full dish sets, pans, etc), kids toys and clothes, food from our pantry, yard stuff, a wood table, ironing board, etc. Please come by on Monday the 19th between 730am and 930am or from 530pm to 8pm. Please DO NOT come out of those times without emailing us to set up a different time.
If you feel like making a small donation we appreciate it as it helps us rebuy items in Texas. Donations are not required though. Please take what you need. Our address is 334 Collins Hill Rd. Coming up from the village end of Collins Hill the road turns to dirt and we are the next driveway on the right across from the blue reservoir gates and an orange mailbox. We will be busy packing and are not looking to "direct traffic" so please be respectful of others coming and going. Feel free to park on the road and walk down- it may be easier. (Please park on road if you are coming in the AM as I will be heading out for work, our sitter will be arriving and we will be happy to hold a pile for you if you need to run down and grab your car.)
There are a few larger items that we are looking to sell that will be going into Burlington to resale if they don't sell- a heavy duty honey oak colored dresser changing table for $100; a Newport Glider for $250 or best reasonable offer; and a pressure canner for $40. Please email if you are interested in any of these.
And last but not least we love our bunny, Zeus, dearly. He is older (6-8 years old) and we know he would not survive the one week cross country trek in a car that we have ahead of us. We are seeking a good home for him. He thinks he is a dog and is an indoor bunny. He is litterbox trained and comes with his cage, a small carrier, a 5 gallon bucket of food and some wood chips as well as his litterbox and water bottle. He is free but we will need to speak in depth with interested parties. I want to be sure that the home he is going to is a permanent one and not that he is not a "fad" pet.
Mar 11, 2025, 10 to 11:35 AM
BingoMar 11, 2025, 5 to 9:30 PM
Overcoming Your Limiting BeliefsMar 12, 2025, 9 AM to 12 PM