Book Donations Taken at the Bixby

Past event
Aug 5, 2021, 3:30 to 6:30 PM

Please come to the back parking lot with your donations.

Accepting your gently used books, the kind that you would appreciate buying.

Preferred Donations:
Seeking fiction published 2009 or after
Paperbacks published 2012 or later
Nonfiction published 2010 or later
Childrens Books and DVDs

We will decline books that we believe will not catch the attention of our customers.
We have no market for Reader's Digest Condensed Books, Time-Life Series, National Geographic Series

NEXT (and final) DONATION DAY will be the Thurs. Sept. 2
3:30 to 6:30
100% of income from books sales goes to purchases such as the outdoor movie screen for free Friday night movies at the Bixby.

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