Northern Bronze Handbell Concert in South Hero

Past event

It's Date Night in South Hero.

You can go to the FREE Community dinner at the Congregational Church of South Hero from 5:00 to 7:00 and then take your date upstairs to the Northern Bronze Handbell Ensemble Concert at 7:30 in the sanctuary, where you can purchase tickets at the door.

Lights! BELLS! Action! If you love show tunes, you will be dazzled to hear many of them played on handbells! Northern Bronze, Vermont’s exciting handbell ensemble is pleased to present their spring concert series, which will include favorites such as “Beauty and the Beast,” “Phantom of the Opera,” “Mary Poppins,” ‘The Muppets”, “George M. Cohan”, “Best of John Williams” and more!
Fri. May 9, 7:30 South Hero Congregational Church
24 South St. South Hero 05486

Sat. May 10, 7:30 Bristol Federated Church
37 North St, Bristol, VT 05443

Sun. May 11, 3:00 First Congregational Church
39 Main St, Essex Junction, VT 05452 (Benefit concert for church music program)

$12 General Admission, $10 Seniors/Students, $40 max Family (2 adults)

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