“Cocktails for a Cause” Fundraiser on May 8th to Support the Brandon & Pittsford Libraries
Please join the staff and boards of directors of the Brandon Free Public Library and the Maclure Public Library on the evening of Thursday, May 8th for a fun and delicious event and show your support for your local library.
For the third year, the Maclure Public library of Pittsford and the Brandon Free Public Library of Brandon join together for an evening of incredible food and awesome spirits at the Brandon Inn in Brandon. The event includes live music and a down-home menu of caesar salad, chicken, hamburgers, chili served in a bread bowl, and “hot wraps” with ham and cheese.
The doors open at 5:30 pm and the meal will be served until 8:30 pm. Each meal, which includes a salad and one of the main entrees, is offered at $10. The cash bar is also open from 5:30 till 8:30 pm and no reservations are necessary. If you have questions, or would like to volunteer to help with this event, call the Brandon Library at 247-8230 or the Maclure Library at 483-2972.
We also want to send a big Shout Out to the great folks at the Brandon Inn for providing their elegant facilities to the two local libraries at not cost for this fundraising event. What great community citizens they are for doing this!
And let’s not forget the Tip Jars! That’s where you have the opportunity to support your local library. We are able to provide the meals at a great price by not making a profit on the cost of providing those meals. But in addition to serving your meals and drinks, our enthusiastic volunteers will be circulating through the event during the evening with the Tip Jars. And when they do, please remember all of the great reading programs, story hours, after school programs, evening lectures, free Wi-Fi, art exhibits, and more… that your local library produces (at no charge) every year for you and your family and for your neighbors. So please be as generous as possible with our friendly Tip Jar volunteers.
So come on out to the Brandon Inn on Thursday May 8th from 5:30 to 8:30 pm and stir it up with your friends and neighbors in support of the Maclure Library and the Brandon Free Library. Where would our small Vermont communities be without our steadfast and dedicated local libraries?