WRCC Opening Reception:
Saturday, July 24 5-7pm
Hidden Messages: Old and New, A Fiber Arts Exhibition
Join us this Saturday! Light refreshments, friends, and beautiful handcrafted quilts!
More about the show:
White River Craft Center and Chandler Center for the Arts are pleased to present Hidden Messages: Old and New, A Fiber Arts Exhibition. This two-part invitational show is held at both organizations in Randolph and opens July 10th through September 5th.
The White River Craft Center showcases traditional and contemporary quilts created by local talents. Each exhibition explores meaning and intent behind each work. Chandler Center for the Arts Gallery features fiber artists from the Surface Design Association of Vermont who break the boundaries of traditional fabric work.
In collaboration with these exhibitions is the Porch Quilt Scavenger Hunt organized by the East Valley Community Group throughout the month of July, visit www.EastValleyCommunityGroup.com for more information.
White River Craft Center hours are Monday & Wednesday 10-2pm and by appointment (info@whiterivercraftcenter.org), www.whiterivercraftcenter.org, 50 Randolph Ave, Randolph.
Chandler Gallery hours are Tuesday - Friday 11-4pm & Saturday 12-5pm, www.chandler-arts.org 71 N Main Street, Randolph.