Barre City Diversity & Equity Committee
July 19, 2021
6 pm
This is a Hybrid Meeting (in-person & virtual)
Council Chambers City Hall
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 884 6593 8712
Passcode: 950019
Join by phone: 646 876 9923 / Meeting ID: 884 6593 8712 / Passcode: 950019
1. Call to order
2. We acknowledge that Barre City was developed on Sokoki Abenaki land, which the Western Abenaki nation never ceded, made treaty for, nor were they conquered. We aspire to create a space in our meetings that is inclusive, participatory and equitable. We acknowledge we all come from different experiences and that our experiences may be affected by racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, ableism and many other systems of oppression. We are here to address equity within the systems of our city in order to inform the City Council of our findings. We acknowledge that systemic inequities exist and do not debate the personal experiences of marginalized and underrepresented community members. With that in mind, it is important that we are thoughtful of the impact of our words on each other in this space.
3. Adjustments to the Agenda
4. Participants/visitors open mic
5. Approval of Minutes from 6/21
6. Old Business
Working group reports:
a. Community Education – Chris
b. Barre City Equity Assessment Impact Tool – Ellen
c. Community Needs Assessment
d. Policies and Procedures
e. Liaison Reports: Barre Unified School District D & E Committee – Joelen; VLCT D&E Committee – Ellen
f. Other Connections
7. New Business
a. How is Barre City welcoming and supportive of immigrants? - Joelen
8. Set next meeting Date
9. Round Table
10. Adjourn
Respectfully submitted,
Joelen Mulvaney,
D&E Committee Chairperson
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