National History Day Presentations May 7

Past event
May 7, 2014

Milton High School students participated in the National History Day with a variety of presentations and topics. This year’s subject was: Rights and Responsibility in History.

Come join us at The Milton Historical Society at 7pm on Wednesday May 7th for your chance to see some of these presentations.

Some of the presenters and their topics will include:

Jordan Lehneman - Exhibit on Greensboro Sit Ins
Elizabeth Bashaw - China's One Child Policy
Lili Anemikos and Jenna Taylor - Tinker vs Des Moines
Sabrina Dhaliwal and Abby Talcott - Lee vs. Weisman.

Come support the students and enjoy and entertaining and informative evening with us.

A free event and refreshments to follow.

13 School Street

For more information: or Allison Belisle 363 2598

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