Hinesburg Planning Commission Meeting Agenda - Wednesday, July 14, 7pm - Town Office, lower level conference room
Everyone is welcome to this in-person meeting! Just be sure to wear a mask if you're not yet vaccinated for covid-19. Remote participation via Zoom still possible:
computer/tablet/smartphone - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85055781467
Meeting ID: 850 5578 1467
Password: 123456
Dial in by phone: 1-646-558-8656 (long distance number – charges may accrue depending on your calling plan)
1. Agenda Changes
2. Public Comments for Non-agenda Items (7:00-7:05)
3. Minutes of June 23 Meeting (7:05-7:10)
4. Zoning Regulation Revisions – Village Area Design Standards (7:10-7:40)
Continued from 6/23 meeting
a. Discuss building height limits per public hearing feedback. Consider eliminating height bonus provisions in section 2.9.3 that allow buildings to exceed the 35-foot height limit.
b. Review other revisions per public feedback: bicycle use; DRB vs ZA review expectations.
c. Discuss next steps and schedule to forward to Select Board
5. RR1 District Zoning (7:45-8:30)
Continued from 6/23 meeting
a. Review mapped data for the district and surrounding area
b. Discuss possible zoning revisions – district lines, development potential, development standards, etc.
c. Discuss next steps and possible field trip
6. Other Business & Correspondence (8:30-8:45)
a. Agenda item requests and planning for July 28 meeting
b. Notice – Town of Richmond, zoning revision hearing on July 21
Times approximate only. More information and digital meeting materials are available on the Planning Commission webpage - https://www.hinesburg.org/planning-commission. Contact me for accommodations for people with special needs.
Meetings are recorded by the Media Factory. You can watch meetings live and after-the-fact on the Media Factory website - https://www.mediafactory.org/hinesburg
Alex Weinhagen
Director of Planning & Zoning, Town of Hinesburg
www.hinesburg.org - Planning/Zoning page
10632 Route 116, Hinesburg, VT 05461
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