Pasture Pals

Past event
Jul 10, 2021, 12 to 2 PM

Pasture Pals is a humane education program open to all children ages six and up. This program teaches lessons based on empathy and compassion while also giving children (and their adult) the chance to experience the non-human community at VINE.

This program is developed and co-taught by special educator Cat Weiner, who also has an arts-based focus. Each session introduces a humane education lesson, like teaching boundaries and consent, while also including time with the non-human animals, art lessons, and volunteering time. Children will be encouraged to interact with non-human animals on their terms while learning from them.

Because children under 12 cannot be vaccinated at this time, we want to ensure the safety and health of our attendees and will be required to attend in their session, but do not have to attend all dates. Social distancing and other CDC guidelines will be followed.

Free and Open to the public.

Session 1 Dates - 7/10, 7/24, and 8/7 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Registration is required. Register at Questions? Email Anna at

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