Selectboard Meeting on July 12

Past event
Jul 12, 2021, 5:30 to 9:10 PM

The packet can be viewed here:

The agenda includes the following items:
5:30 PM - Minutes: April 29, May 3, May 10, May 27, June 14, June 28, June 30
6:00 PM - Adjustments to the agenda
6:01 PM - Approve warrants to pay bills
6:10 PM - Energy Committee purchases
7:00 PM - Public Comments
7:05 PM - Skating rink lighting—options to replace fixtures
7:20 PM - Letter of support Recreation Facilities Grant application for replacing dock at the Town Beach
7:30 PM - Amendment to Ordinance Regarding Street Naming and Addressing
7:50 PM - Grange on the Green—rain date of July 15, 2021
7:55 PM - Potential uses for ARPA funds; discussion of process for soliciting, reviewing and selecting uses for funding
8:20 PM - Offer of employment for Planning & Zoning Assistant
8:30 PM - Discussion of improving the permitting process; hiring consultant and/or empaneling community focus group
8:50 PM - Minutes: April 29, May 3, May 10, May 27, June 14, June 28, June 30
9:00 PM - Selectboard updates
9:10 PM - Adjournment

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