"Be the Light" Online Service

Past event
Jul 11, 2021, 10 to 11 AM

June 11: "Be the Light," online service with Julane Deener and the Worship and Arts Committee, 10 am

We’ve all experienced times of darkness in our lives when the light at the end of the tunnel seemed far, far away. The pandemic of 2020 was one such time for many of us. As this spring arrived, we began peeking our heads out, looking at a new world, sometimes in new ways. What have we learned, in the darkness, about who we are? How can we shine our personal lights in the bright new day? We’ll discuss ways of celebrating each other and ourselves, and how our lights can be beacons of change. Special music by the Meetinghouse Virtual Choir.

Please join us for virtual coffee hour and discussion after the service.

Julane Deener is a Virtual Music Consultant, professional vocalist and violinist, and the Choir Director at the Springfield UU Meetinghouse. A teacher of voice and stringed instruments to both adults and children, she specializes in showing how music can support us spiritually and ways in which our creativity can be a light for others.

Zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6130779853

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