Seussical, the Musical, Coming to Brownsville, July 24

Past event
Jul 24, 2021, 1 to 2:30 PM

Well, if it isn't time for rhyme...and if summertime couldn't be any finer...if you haven't already heard...cats & hats & things (absurd?) will be "in the house"...[at the mountain]...on July 24th, at 1pm (Ascutney Outdoors, near the alpine base lodge).

Bring your own blankets (or *low, low, profile* chairs) as no "seats" will actually be provided.
Space is deemed limited due to set-up constraints--view of the stage and amplification, I suppose, and essential support services....

RESERVE your free ticket online (the interface sequence will take you through a few "windows"): ...The information you will provide means that the production staff, volunteers, Brownsville Butcher & Pantry, and related support services will be able to plan for and prepare for this unique mountainside traveling theatrical experience.

Donations are always appreciated. It's the theater, after all, that helps us process our lives and the legacy and history of others. It's through imaginative storytelling that we are able to build context, metaphor, meaning, witness, creative responses, and offer and receive reassurance that our own plights--and the stasis of others--continue to reveal doorways, no barriers, and possibility as endless as time.

BB&P will make snacks and munchies available for sale on site *and they will offer FREE ice cream to kids 12 and under at the BB&P store after the show.*

On another couple of notes (after all, we're talking *musical*), here in the Mary L. Blood Memorial Library, I happened upon a stack of plays--from the late 1800s and early 1900s--with community members' names next to the characters they must have played:

From _Silas Smidge From Turnip Ridge_, for example...

Miss Simplicity McPheeters (I kid you not), Thaddeus McPheeters' sister: "Martha" (hand writ', in soft pencil).
Leola Pixley, The village postmistress: "Marion."
Silas Smidge: "Chet."

And communal.

...Not to mention Louise Saunders and Maxfield Parrish productions (just next door, in Windsor...); as well, the whole Cornish Colony. So...*history,* people: It's ALIVE and WELL! And so, too, our theatrical connection to those who came before--and to our obligation, isn't it?--to those, like us, in the future.

Comedy and tragedy, balanced by the scribe, the playwright (at least this is how one illustration from a turn of a century depicts the scale).

O.k., so, yes, go RESERVE your space on the lawn (bring your own blanket or low-profile chair) for the 24th, and let musical theater do for you what centuries of humans have created for one another. (or go to their website, Weston Playhouse, Weston, VT, keywords and date: Brownsville, July 24, 1pm, Seussical).

...from the library,

my thanks,


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