Irasburg Selectboard Meeting July 7

Past event
Jul 7, 2021, 5:30 to 6:30 PM

Irasburg Selectboard Meeting
Wednesday, July 7th, 2021 @ 5:30pm

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Meeting ID: 869 0273 4097

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Meeting ID: 869 0273 4097

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o 5:30pm Call meeting to order
o 5:31pm Additions and deletions to the agenda
o 5:32pm Public comment
o 5:38pm Review and approve minutes of 6/23/21 meetings
o 5:40pm Leigh Curtis- BLRR discussion about bridge on Under the Hill Rd
o 5:50pm Tammy Thibeault- Kidder Hill Ridge concerns
o 6:00pm Town Hall repairs
o 6:10pm Review and approve order #12 bills and payroll orders
o 6:20pm Correspondence:
o 6:22pm Adjourn

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