Late Saturday afternoon, the Varnum Memorial Library is having a baseball celebration. We are hosting Spaceman Bill Lee the legendary former Red Sox and Expo player. Bill is the hardest working guy in baseball, always up for action and well known for his wit and charm. "Casey at Bat" will be performed by LN and "Casey at the Bat " (Road Game) performed by Rockin' Ron. Everyone knows Cambridge has the greatest cooks! The Crescendo Club members are baking up apple themed light refreshments to accompany this event.
Saturday also kicks off our famous Red Sox Baseball raffle. The tickets will be available for purchase. Please join us to banish thoughts of cold and gloom and meet Spaceman Bill Lee. Celebrate Americas favorite past time at the Varnum in Jeffersonville on Green Up Day, May 3rd at 3:30pm. Free event. more info. 644-2117