Tuesday Night Live Lives!

Past event
Jul 6, 2021, 6 PM

Johnson's Tuesday Night Live 's first performance is 6:00, Tuesday, July 6, Legion Field!!

Get you Booey Woogey on!! Dancing shoes? Who needs them when you're barefoot? Time to shake those tail feathers let loose! Tuesday Night Live is BACK, Baby!!!!

Pies, international foods, desserts, folks you haven't seen in a year, and an opportunity to get a Covi19 vaccination to ward off those little nasties and their offspring variants.

And of course music, music , music.
Sabouyouma (Pronounced sah-boo-yoo-MAH), is led by Ousmane Camara, a master Balafonist from Guinea, West Africa. Based in Burlington, Vermont, they combine traditional West African dance music with contemporary funk and reggae.

"The band's name means "give thanks," which suits their soaring, sweaty and transcendent sound." Justin Boland, Seven Days

TNL's first band 6:00, Tuesday, July 6, Legion Field!!

The ONLY thing that will stop this show is lightning. Rain is merely an annoyance to be ignored.

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