Tinmouth Mountain Hike - Understanding ESTAs

Past event
Jul 10, 2021, 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

An ESTA is an Ecologically Sensitive Treatment Area and once identified managed differently in a Current Use Plan. Vermont Coverts will host a hike to an ESTA on Cooperator Bob Lloyd's property with ecologist Kathy Doyle. Bob will explain the unique ownership of this land and the conservation and management strategies the collective owners have implemented. Kathy will guide us on the hike where we will enjoy the flora of the rich Northern Hardwood Forest, explore a vernal pool at about 2100 feet and visit the Montane Yellow Birch – Red Spruce Forest, an uncommon natural community recently designated as an ESTA. The terrain is steep with an elevation gain of 550 feet. Proper footwear and long pants should be worn. Please bring a water bottle for the hike. Bring a lunch and we can have a picnic when we return to the parking area. For more information and directions contact lisa@vtcoverts.org.

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