Select Board Meeting Tuesday

Past event
Jul 6, 2021, 5 to 7 PM

5:00 PM
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Middlesex Town Clerk's Office*
5 Church Street
Middlesex, Vermont 05602
(802) 223-5915
5:00 PM Call to Order/Amendments/Welcoming guests

Treasurer's Report: Discussion of Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recover Funding (CLFRF). Kate Buckley from VLCT may attend, to be followed by:
- 1) A motion that the Town accept CLFRF from the US Treasury along with the Award Terms & Conditions and Assurances of Compliance with the Civil Rights Requirements. Action likely.
- 2) Designating Treasurer Dorinda Crowell as an "Authorized Representative" to sign the Award Terms & Conditions. Action likely.
- 3) Designating Peter Hood as Secondary Contact for the Town's Award of CLFRF. Action likely.

Approving a $280,500 loan from Community National Bank to last no more than 15 years to pay for the new Town grader as approved by the Town voters at the March 2, 2021 Town Meeting. Action likely.

Reviewing and approving the Annual Financial Management Questionnaire. Action likely.

Reviewing and approving the memo of understanding from Batchelder Associates re: the audit of the FY20 Town financial records. Action likely.

Reviewing new contract with National Insurance Company as underwriter providing employee Life & Disability coverage. Action likely.

5:30 Joint meeting with Planning Commission with updates on the Walkable Village Scoping Study, drafting of new zoning regulations and other activities. Action possible.

5:50 Setting the 2021 Town Tax Rate. NOTE: This is dependent on when the State of Vermont releases the Education Tax Rate for the Town of Middlesex. Action possible.

6:10 Highway Department Update: Reviewing and approving a $175,000 grant from the State of Vermont for repaving Center Road. Action likely.


- Review and approval of the minutes from the June 15, 2021 Select Board Meeting
- Correspondence
- Considering hiring a handyperson to make repairs at Town Hall. Action possible.
- Appointing Town representatives to the CV Fiber Board. Action possible.
- Approving and signing the VT form authorizing Jason Merrill's reappointment as Town Fire Warden. Action likely.
- Orders
- Any other matters that may come before the Board. No action.

6:30 Adjournment

*To attend this meeting by Zoom, please click on the link below: Meeting ID: 739 338 0675
One tap mobile: +13017158592,,7393380675# US (Washington D.C)

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