Hello astronomers!
It was wonderful having the opportunity to open up the Northern Skies Observatory grounds for an actual star party in June! Although the high, hazy clouds prevented us from seeing a great deal, we had a great time talking astronomy and looking at a few double stars and globular clusters!
We're going to give it another go! New moon is on July 10, so we're going to choose the best night between Thursday, July 8 and Saturday, July 10. It's far too soon to even estimate what the skies will be like on those nights, so I'll follow this note up with details as we get closer to the dates!
It will get dark enough to start seeing things around 9:30 PM and we'll go until at least 11:00 PM.
As always, you should check the Northeast Kingdom Astronomy Foundation Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/nkaf.org - for the night we'll choose and the latest details!
Let's keep our fingers crossed for Clear Skies!