It's time for one of Starksboro's most joyful traditions! The Project READ!! Bookwagon offers youth up to age 18 free, brand new books. We have a fantastic collection of board books for the littlest ones, so babies are welcome to bring their parents! We also have some very popular YA titles for our teens -- and of course, boxes of picture books, chapter books, non-fiction books, and graphic novels too -- all for babies to 18-year olds to enjoy for keeps!
Here's our route and timetable for each Tuesday in July, starting this Tuesday. By the way, if it's raining on Tuesday, or if there is a threat of rain during the Bookwagon hours, please plan to visit us at the Jerusalem Schoolhouse or at Robinson, as these are the only two locations that have a place for us to keep our books dry.
• 9:00 - 9:30 Jerusalem Schoolhouse
• 9:45-10:15 Robinson Elementary School
• 10:30-11:00 Brookside Dr. (Rte. 116)
• 11:20-11:45 Hillside Dr. (Big Hollow Rd./Ruby Brace Rd.)
• 12:00-12:30 Lazy Brook Dr. (Hinesburg Hollow Rd.)
Our July 6 volunteers are Lisa Daudon, Priscilla McQuade & Jill Paul. They're looking forward to seeing you!
We will also see students at the Starksboro Cooperative Preschool throughout July and campers at Camp Common Ground's Summer Adventure Camp on Tuesday, July 20th.
Lastly, and thanks for still reading, the MAUSD free summer food for all kids 18 & under is pairing up with the Starksboro Project READ!! Bookwagon this summer!
Meal kits contain fresh food to create multiple meals including fruits, vegetables, bread, protein & milk. Parents can sign up for as many meal kits as they will need at Meal kit pick-ups will be at our Bookwagon stops Tuesdays in July. Starksboro pick-ups in June and August will be at Robinson Elementary School. For more info about the meal kits, please contact Kathy or Erika at 802-453-7002 or
Project READ!! is an all-volunteer organization made up of community members, parents, and teachers committed to promoting the love of reading in our town of Starksboro. We depend on community support for our programs. For more info or to find out how you can help, please email or myself at
Mar 8, 2025, 9 AM to 2 PM
March 8 Perinatal/Postpartum Sleep Education Event!Mar 8, 2025, 1 to 2 PM
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