Greensboro Funky Fourth This Saturday

Past event
Jul 3, 2021


As reported last week, Greensboro will hold its traditional Independence Day parade on Saturday, July 3rd. Antique cars, walkers and Bread & Puppet should line up on Country Club Road. Other vehicles should line up at the fire station. The Greensboro Fire Department will roll. Be ready to go at 10:00 a.m.

The traditional chicken BBQ at the church will not take place, but vendors and exhibitors are invited to set up on the village green. WonderArts will organize the traditional children's games. Noted folk musician David Brahinsky will provide music.

Unvaccinated people should wear masks and observe 6-ft. distancing. Weather permitting, fireworks will take place at dusk on Friday, July 2nd (i.e. not Saturday).

All are welcome!

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