Island Arts "Our Stories, Ourselves" with Ricki Moss

Past event
Jul 25, 2021, 2 to 4 PM

Think of our language as our first art medium. As soon as we open our adorable little mouths, we’re told to use our words, and we do, we use them throughout our lives to communicate what we long for; our troubles, our delights, our ideas, our dreams, our fears, our place in the universe. Inevitably, we’ll question what is real and what is imaginary.

And so we write journals and dream about turning them into stories. We ask ourselves, do fiction writers draw on actual incidents? Memories? Dreams? Is our journaling limited to the facts of what happened? If we invent a scene, are we liars? Can we trust our memories? Is there a greater truth revealed through our senses? In short, how do we tap our imaginations by dipping into the endless riches of our senses, to transform bits of our lives into a story that others will want to read? Instructor Ricki Moss is a fiction writer living and working in a renovated railroad depot on Grand Isle with husband and dogs. Details and to buy tickets, visit

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