A special meeting of The United Church of Northfield is called on July 11, 2021 at 11:00 A.M. at the United Church of Northfield Sanctuary, 58 S. Main Street, Northfield, VT.
The purpose of the meeting is for the church membership to vote on the unanimous recommendation of the Pastoral Search Committee to enter into a covenant with the Reverend Julie Lombard as the minister for the United Church of Northfield. Reverend Julie Lombard will lead us in worship on July 11th from the church sanctuary beginning at 10:00 A.M. A Time of Fellowship (coffee hour) will take place at the church parsonage at 356 Central Street immediately following the meeting. All are welcome. We encourage all to meet Julie and welcome her to the United Church of Northfield and our community. Upon an affirmative vote of the church membership, and after a call is extended and accepted, and contracts are signed, the Church Council will arrange for a service of installation for Julie.
Please plan to attend church on Sunday, July 11, 2021 and hear Julie preach and members please plan to attend the special meeting after the worship service to act on the recommendation of the Pastoral Search Committee to call Rev. Julie Lombard as the new minister for the United Church of Northfield.
Further info- 802 485-8347. (Membership is not required to attend the July 11 service, special meeting or coffee hour, but only members will vote in the special meeting.)