Green Up Day May 3

Past event
May 3, 2014

GREEN UP DAY 2014 – SATURDAY, MAY 3rd 8:30AM – 5:00PM

GREEN UP VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Event will happen rain or shine!

Bring your family and friends and lots of muscle. Wear gloves, long pants, and comfortable walking shoes. LET’S JOIN TOGETHER WITH ALL VERMONTERS AND HELP CLEAN UP GUILFORD AND OUR STATE! Start at Broad Brook Grange on Guilford Center Road with some juice, coffee, bagel or a donut to get you moving. Then take some Green Up bags, mark the spot on the Guilford map that you want to clean up, and off you go. Once your bags are filled with roadside garbage, return to the Grange, wash your hands, and enjoy some more yummy refreshments. We will be separating out METAL and RETURNABLES from the regular household garbage. We will NOT accept tires.

Volunteers needed to pick up garbage, post caution signs, wash returnables, take photos, and make & donate refreshments.

Questions? Call Elly Majonen, Guilford’s Green Up Coordinator 257-4067 or email her at To find out more about Green Up Vermont go to or

COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS for BUHS students and for Choose sNOw program. Bring your forms!

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