June 24 from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Book donations are used by the Friends of the Bixby to raise funds for special projects and programs.
Please consider donating your gently used books, the kind that you would appreciate buying.
Unfortunately, book donations cannot include the following:
-Books with mildew, musty, dog-eared, or underlined and marginal markings
-All encyclopedias, Readers Digest Condensed books, textbooks, sets with copyright before 2007 (Life, Time, etc.)
-Magazines or pamphlets
-Paperback fiction with broken spines (use your judgment)
-Adult Fiction published before 2006 (except for classics in good condition and Vermont authors)
-Older editions of travel guides or other books that come out with new editions each year
We hope to see on Thursday.