2129 Kinsley Rd
Jeffersonville VT 05464
(We border Fletcher so your GPS may show Fletcher)
Friday, Saturday & Sunday (June 18th, 19th & 20th) (rain or shine, as we will be on a porch and under a roof & under a tent)
With the possibility of continuing our sale on 25th, 26th & 27th (the following weekend)
-Men's, women's and kid's clothes
-Tools/Building materials
- Car seat, stroller, Baby gates & pack'n'play
- Cricut crafts.
-Stump Grinder & wood chipper
-Snowmobile trailer
-Electronics (accessible outlet and batteries to check if the items you're buying work!!!)
And much more!!!
Stop by, Willing to make deals, as we want things gone. Thank you!
(By the looks of it, there's other signs up for other yard sales in surrounding towns.)