Zeno Mountain Farm is screening their new feature-length movie "Best Summer Ever" on June 25th at 8 PM on the Bristol Rec Field. This movie was shot almost entirely in Bristol and Lincoln with hundreds of local friends as extras. The movie will begin after sundown and is free to all. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Please bring your own seating/picnic blanket. Please come and invite your friends!
From the New York Times Review; "Best Summer Ever" is a high school musical. It isn't "High School Musical" — it's better. Tender and exuberant, it includes set pieces modeled on "Footloose" and "Grease," and feels closer to those films in spirit than to the Disney Channel. This is the kind of movie that vibrates with the energy of the people who made it, whose enthusiasm radiates from the screen. The actors and filmmakers seemed to have had an extremely good time bringing "Best Summer Ever" to life. Watching it made me happy.
It continues "This is all very familiar. What's novel is the cast, which is largely made up of actors with a range of physical and mental disabilities; these disabilities are never remarked upon, and disability doesn't figure into the plot. The effect of this inclusiveness is a feeling of amazing warmth and camaraderie, at its most compelling during the film's many original musical numbers, which are staged and shot with verve. The cast has wonderful screen presence — particularly DeVido, whose turn as the lovelorn heroine is magnetic. Representation matters. And in "Best Summer Ever," it makes the movie come alive.
View the trailer; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXZGvturIAo