✨ Come Together ✨
Join Tara Cariano of The Wholehearted Warrior & Harlyjane Pelletier of Harlyjane Massage Therapy for our FIRST shared event of summer! It's happening THIS Saturday, June 19th at Camp Meade from 6-8pm. You will NOT want to miss this one!
The focus of this event is COMING TOGETHER as a community. We have all endured such a difficult, confusing, heavy year…so let's support one another to HEAL.
Throughout this 2 hour special event, we will:
•circle up, reflect, & share
•move through a 75 minute Buti Yoga class
•have a fire ceremony [to release any stagnant energy that we are holding onto both individually and collectively]
•make s'mores!
We are SO excited to connect and spend some much needed time with all of you. ❤️ No preregistration needed. $25-$30 sliding fee scale (cash, Paypal, & Venmo accepted). BYO mat, water, and a blanket and/or towel. We hope to see you there!