Bike Event

Past event
Jul 6, 2021, 10 AM to 12 PM

Bike season is here and the Greensboro Free Library is planning a bike event for kids ages 4-12 on Tuesday July 6th from 10am-noon.

We will meet at the Greensboro Bend playground for a bike themed storytime, a bike safety lesson with Local Motion and a helmet fitting for those who need a helmet that fits correctly. We will then have a group bike ride to David Ducharme's lot (across from Smith's Store) for an obstacle course.

Everyone is welcome to this free event.

You do not need to pre-register, however if you know your child will need a helmet an email back to me would be helpful for planning purposes. Please contact me with questions.

In case of rain please call the library at 533.2531 to find out if it's still happening.

Thank you to the Greensboro Recreation Committee and Local Motion for making the helmets and this event possible.

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