Richmond Racial Equity

Past event
Jun 15, 2021, 7 to 8:30 PM

You are invited to this week's Richmond Racial Equity group meeting. We meet via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 936 0108 7913
Passcode: justice68

One tap mobile
+16465588656,,93601087913#,,,,*738470449# US (New York)


6:45: Zoom meeting room will be open for informal conversation
7:00 Welcome new participants, land acknowledgement.
* Community comments, questions, reflections
* Brief Committee Reports
* Reparations
* Proposal update for Selectboard regarding Abenaki land acknowledgment and Richmond commitment to promoting Abenaki culture, history and presence.
* Education Committee
* Town Staff and Police Racial Justice Education opportunities
* Richmond Racial Justice Committee summer gathering
* Policy and Policing
* Hunter- update on the community survey and will take time for feedback from the large group. To preview the survey before this Tuesday's meeting, follow this link:
* Discussion/Group Process exercise.

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