Drb Meeting Agenda

Past event
May 6, 2014, 7:30 PM

Development Review Board Meeting Agenda - May 6 (Tuesday) - 7:30pm - Hinesburg Town Office (lower level conference room)

1) Review minutes of April 15

2) Lawrence & Cynthia Caron: preliminary plat review for a 3-lot subdivision and planned unit development (PUD); 274 Richmond Road in the Rural Residential 1 zoning district.

3) Rob Farley: conditional use review for a dog sled tour home occupation in an accessory structure; 1088 Texas Hill Road in the Rural Residential 2 zoning district. Continued from March 18 meeting. **Site visit to the property prior to the meeting at 6pm.

4) Brian & Penny St. Cyr: final plat review for a two-lot subdivision of a 9.85-acre parcel on the west side of Route 116 and north side of Tyler Bridge Road - 58 Tyler Bridge Road in the Agricultural zoning district. Continued from April 1 meeting.

5) Other business:
- Discuss/deliberate on four Hannaford-related decisions
- Discuss/deliberate on Balchiunas subdivision sketch plan decision

Contact the Planning & Zoning office for more information or accommodations for people with special needs.

Alex Weinhagen
Director of Planning & Zoning, Town of Hinesburg
www.hinesburg.org - Planning/Zoning page
802-482-2281 ext. 225
10632 Route 116, Hinesburg, VT 05461

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