UVM Greenhouse Spring Plants: Half-Off Sale!

Past event
Jun 11, 2021, 12 to 5 PM

Friday is the last day of our annual spring plant sale, and everything is half off! We still have lots of annual flowers, veggies, herbs, and house plants for sale, and it all has to go to make room for more plant projects. See catalog below for list of available varieties (house plants not listed).

Catalog: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18aBd_hNViHjZgue8lrYbJZs9Fnu6T1H26biBseEC_-Q/edit#gid[...]335

When: Friday, June 11, 12 - 5

Where: UVM Main Campus Greenhouse Complex (https://www.google.com/maps/place/UVM+Main+Campus+Greenhouse+Complex,+Burlington,+VT+05405/@[...]317)


The UVM Greenhouse Team

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