5:00 PM
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Middlesex Town Clerk's Office
5 Church Street
Middlesex, Vermont 05602
(802) 223-5915
Amended AGENDA
Due to public health concerns over COVID-19, the Select Board is holding its meetings via Zoom. In order to listen to and participate in this public meeting, please see instructions below. ** If you encounter problems accessing the meeting, please call the Town Clerk's Office at 802-223-5915.
5:00 PM Call to Order/Amendments/Welcoming guests
5:05 Resuming discussion about how best to provide fire protection in Middlesex. Action possible.
5:35 Highway Report: Updates on Middlesex road projects. Action possible.
- Review and approval of the 2021 Certificate of Compliance. Action likely.
- Review and possible approval of a $13,750 VTrans grant (with a $2,750 Town match) to implement best management practices (BMPs) incompliance with the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Municipal Roads General Permit (MRGP). Action possible.
5:55 Treasurer's report: Updates on the Town's financial status including Benderson Development's failure to pay a $4,500 Welch Park bill. Action possible.
- Approval of the minutes from the June 1, 2021 Select Board meeting. Action likely.
- Consideration of providing WEC permission to install power lines along Leland Farm Road near the residence of Nan Hathaway. Action likely.
- Review and approval of a contract with the Washington County Sheriff's Department to provide speed enforcement in Middlesex at a rate of $30.75/hour. Action likely.
- Correspondence
- Orders
- Any other matters that may come before the Board. No action.
- Executive Session: as permitted under 1 V.S.A § 313 (a) (7) (A). Action post Executive Session unlikely
6:45 Adjournment
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