BUUSD Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting

Past event
Jun 14, 2021, 5:30 PM

There will be a regular meeting of the Barre Unified Union School District Facilities and Transportation Committee on June 14, 2021 at 5:30 pm via Google Meet. If you attend the meeting remotely you must state your name for the record to satisfy the Open Meeting Law.

Meeting ID: https://meet.google.com/yva-xiqt-dmj?hs=122&authuser=0
Phone Numbers: (US) +1 240-292-8164 PIN: 644 880 341#

You may preview Agendas and Minutes for the Barre Unified Union School District Committees at the following link: https://www.buusd.org/district/meeting-minutes-agendas

Previous meeting recordings can be found at the following link:

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