Agenda, South Hero Trails Subcommittee
June 10, 7PM, Town Beach
Bring a chair and possibly "bug juice", flashlight
1) Selection of "minutes taker"
2) Public Input
3)Review Trail steward volunteer assignments and status of trail / proposed routes
A) "Knee Deep Bay" Trail
B) Keeler Bay park Trail
C) Robinson Farm Trail
D) Lavin Property Trails
i) Library to Rec Park behind school
ii) access to "Old town dump" by trail
iii) connection with Landon Farm Trails
D) Keeler Bay Park Trail
F) Rec Park Storybook Walk
E) Allen Point Railine Trail
F) Landon Farm to Round Pond Connector
G) Tracy Woods Trail
E) Roy Marsh Trail
4) Other Business
Questions about the meeting and/or the South Hero Trails Committee? Email
Mar 5, 2025, 6 to 8:30 PM
NBC5's Tyler Jankoski & Brian Colleran at RotaryMar 6, 2025, 11:30 AM to 1 PM
Lemon and WatercolorMar 6, 2025, 3:30 PM