Wards 2/3 Neighborhood Planning Assembly: June 10

Past event
Jun 10, 2021, 6:20 to 8:30 PM

Join your Old North End and Downtown neighbors for the monthly Neighborhood Planning Assembly. The June 10 agenda includes timely news and updates from our city and state representatives on City Council, the School Board, and in the Legislature; a discussion on the Community Control of Police Charter Change; a review of the newly revised NPA bylaws; and a conversation about NPA goals and priorities.

This is an opportunity to speak up about what you would like to see happen at the NPA meetings in the coming year. What local issues are important to you? What types of discussions, presentations, and actions would you like to be part of? How can we make the NPA more welcoming and inclusive? Are you ready to go back to in-person meetings? We'll talk about all this - and more!

As always, the meeting starts at 6:20pm with live music followed by announcements and a public forum.

Participate live via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85860854764 or stream on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLljLFn4BZd2N95y-kUzewx0ZN0Tf8rLo_ thanks to CCTV & Town Meeting TV.

The full agenda is below and posted at https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/CEDO/Wards-2-and-3-NPA-Agendas

6:20 pm - Live Music by Brian Perkins and Alden Archambeau
6:30 pm - NPA Announcements
6:35 pm - Public Forum
6:45 pm - Representative Updates: State Legislators, City Councilors, School Board members
7:15 pm - NPA Community Funding: Grantees invited to give project updates
7:30 pm - Community Control of Police Charter Change Discussion
7:45 pm - Discussion on NPA Goals & Priorities
8:00 pm - NPA Bylaws Discussion & Vote (Each NPA has its own set of bylaws that include a provision for joint operation)
- WARD 2 DRAFT: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1imGwR3kmjKvcLW7K2Ak0lSA8m8iUR-P4/view?usp=sharing
- WARD 3 DRAFT: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eGWwe4aNCgkwlOm1Qd3xHIOkdI4RLUm8/view?usp=sharing
8:30 pm Adjourn

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