Planning Commission Meeting Agenda

Past event
Jun 9, 2021, 7 PM

Hinesburg Planning Commission Meeting Agenda - Wednesday, June 9, 7pm - Remote via Zoom

Zoom meeting connection:
Computer/tablet/smartphone -
Meeting ID: 850 5578 1467
Password: 123456
Dial in by phone: 1-646-558-8656 (long distance number – charges may accrue depending on your calling plan)

Email Alex Weinhagen (Director of Planning and Zoning) at if you have difficulty connecting at meeting time.

1. Remote Meeting Connection & Procedures (7:00-7:05)

2. Agenda Changes

3. Minutes of May 12 and May 26 Meetings (7:05-7:10)

4. Public Hearing – Zoning Regulation Revisions – Village Area Design Standards (7:10-8:10)
a. Brief overview of proposed revisions – what is changing and why
b. Public input & discussion – questions, concerns, ideas
c. Review & discuss public feedback received ahead of the hearing
d. Discuss next steps

5. Home Occupation Contractor Yard & Vehicle Repair Service – Zoning Revision Clarification (8:10-8:30)
a. Discuss which zoning districts to allow these home occupations

6. RR1 District Observations from May 26 field trip meeting (8:30-8:50)

7. Other Business & Correspondence (8:50-9:00)
a. Agenda item requests for June 23 meeting

Times are approximate only. More information and digital meeting materials are available on the Planning Commission webpage -

Meetings are recorded by the Media Factory. You can watch meetings live and after-the-fact on the Media Factory website -

Alex Weinhagen
Director of Planning & Zoning, Town of Hinesburg - Planning/Zoning page
10632 Route 116, Hinesburg, VT 05461

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