There are two opportunities tonight to participate in Parks issues, please lend your voices, opinions, and needs to the conversation.
1. 4:30 Parks Commission Meeting Online
2. 6:30 Roosevelt Park Proposed Changes Meeting In Person at the Boys and Girls Club
Commission Details:
To Join the Meeting on a Computer:
To Join the Meeting on a Phone
Number: 1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 878 4811 6404
Approval of Agenda
II. Consent Agenda
A. Action Item: Approval of Minutes of May 4, 2021 Meeting (attachment)
*waive the reading, approve the minutes and place them on file
B. Action Item: Approval of Sound Waiver/Fund Raiser for Vermont Progressive Party Event (attachment)
*waive the reading, approve the request for sound waiver/live music, and place on file
C. Action Item: Approval of Sound Waiver for Localvore Inc. Event (attachment)
*waive the reading, approve the request for sound waiver and place on file
D. Action Item: Approval of Sound Waiver for Foul Contending Rebels Event (attachment)
*waive the reading, approve the request for sound waiver and place on file
E. Action Item: Approval of Sound Waiver for Kimberly Vannest's Gathering Event (attachment)
*waive the reading, approve the request for sound waiver and place on file
F. Action Item: Approval of Sound Waiver for BCA Programming in City Hall Park (attachment)
*waive the reading, approve the request for sound waiver and place on file
III. Action Item: (10 min.) Bike Rack Encumbrance, Rick Sharp, Esq. (attachment)
IV. Public Forum: (Time Certain 5:00PM)
Please see page 2 of the Agenda packet for details on how to participate in the public forum for this meeting.
V. Discussion Item: (10 min.) Urban Park Ranger Update, Cindi Wight, Director, BPRW (verbal)
VI. Discussion Item: (15 min.) Penny for Parks, Benjamin Traverse, Chair, Parks & Recreation Commission (verbal)
VII. Discussion Item: (15 min.) Schmanska Barn Rentals and ONE Community Center Event Hall Rates, Cindi Wight, Director, BPRW and Melissa Cate, Recreation Facilities Superintendent, BPRW (attachment)
VIII. Discussion Item: (15 min.) Service Sustainability Strategy, Cindi Wight, Director, BPRW (attachment)
IX. Discussion Item: (10 min.) August Commission Meeting Time, Location and Topics, Cindi Wight, Director, BPRW (verbal)
A. Report from Commission on Volunteer Hours (verbal)
XI. Director's Items (attachment)
XII. Commissioner's Items
XIII. Adjournment
Mar 1, 2025, 4 to 6 PM
Burlington Youth Lacrosse: Clinics and CoachesMar 2, 2025, 11 AM to 12 PM
One Farmers Market Benefit Bake at American FlatbreadMar 4, 2025, 4 to 10 PM