Fingerlicking Good Benefit for Lamoille Family Center

Past event
Jun 10, 2021, 5:30 to 9:30 PM

Join us in supporting Lamoille Family Center at a Fingerlicking Good Benefit:

June 10 @The Garden at Stowe Cider, 17 Town Farm Lane, Stowe

- Stowe Cider
- Black Diamond BBQ sliders,
- Live music by the Eames Brothers and Stu & Chad!

All ticket sales and a portion of additional sales go directly to LFC.

Ticket Link:[...]fvo

Hope to see you there!

Lamoille Family Center promotes the well-being of Lamoille Valley children, youth and families and helps them meet life's challenges through education, direct services and advocacy. LFC focuses on strengthening families so that children have the best possible chance to thrive.

LFC offers families more than 15 programs and services including: Early Intervention, Nursing and Family Support, Family Specialist Integration in Pediatrics, Child Care Support and Services, Temporary Shelter for Homeless and Runaway Youth, Healthy Lamoille Valley Prevention and Education, Youth Crisis Intervention, Playgroups, Parent Education and Emergency Needs Family Outreach and Financial Assistance.

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