Public Hearing to Stop the Fracked Gas Pipeline May 7

Past event
May 7, 2014

Will you join us May 7th??
Public Hearing to Stop the Fracked Gas Pipeline

When: Wednesday, May 7th. Hearing starts at 7:00 pm arrive at 6:30 for festivities and testimony sign up
Where: Shoreham Elementary School 130 School Rd Shoreham, VT

The permitting process for the second part of the fracked gas pipeline is just beginning and the Public Service Board has a new opportunity to stand with the public, deny Vermont Gas a certificate of public good, and stop this dirty and destructive pipeline.

This is our chance to tell the Public Service Board that a high-pressure fracked gas transmission pipeline under Lake Champlain, built at a time when we need to be transitioning away from fossil fuels, is not in the public good. If built, this pipeline would be the largest fossil fuel infrastructure build-out in Vermont in the past 50 years. Impacted residents in Addison County and concerned Vermonters from across the state have been organizing together to stop this unjust project from moving forward and we need you!

Hope to see you there!


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