Food Shelf This Wednesday

Past event
Jun 2, 2021, 4:30 to 5:30 PM

The Westford Food Shelf will be open this Wednesday, June 2, from 4:30 to 5:30
At the Common Hall (aka White Church)
All are Welcome, no paperwork, no questions asked.

Please remember your neighbors when you shop!

Most needed:
Canned meats, tuna, chicken, ham etc.
Pet food
Bathroom tissue, paper towels, Kleenex
Canned corn, creamed and whole
Breakfast meats
Fresh fruit and vegetables
Dairy, such as butter and cheese
Laundry detergent
Household and bathroom cleaners

Not so much needed this week:
Canned tomatoes
Canned soup
Peanut Butter
Gluten free items

NON-perishable items may be dropped off at the Westford Market, or at the Town office during regular hours (please call ahead, as the office is not open to the public due to COVID), and at the library during curbside pick-up hours. Perishable items may be brought to the Common Hall (aka White Church) at 4:00 on Wednesday. Or contact me for pick-up:

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