Taiko Drumming Performance Comes to Brownsville!

Past event
Jun 5, 2021, 3 to 4:30 PM

We invite you to join us for a Taiko Drumming Performance

June 5th, 2021
3:00 PM
Albert Bridge School
108 Brownsville-Hartland Road
Brownsville, VT
And we will follow recommended Covid - 19 protocol including:
Social distancing, masks, hand sanitizing
If you have any Covid-19 symptoms, please stay home
Please bring your own chairs and blankets
There is a rain space with limited seating. We will seat on a first come first serve basis.

If you have any questions contact:
Peter Money at projects.peter.money@gmail.com or Jenifer Aldrich at jaldrich@wsesu.net

Sponsored by Mary Blood Library, B. Hinton Trust,
Albert Bridge School, Mascoma Bank, and Ascutney Winds

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